Politecnico di Milano
Facoltà del Design
AA 2014-2015
The project “Età. L’abito che cresce” was carried out in the Final Fashion Design workshop of the Knitwear Course of the Politecnico di Milano School of Design.
The main purpose of the course was to design starting from the observation of an aging body; a body that is usually not an inspiration, nor is considered to be part of fashion design but, which allows a young designer to face very interesting design challenges.
Works by Michela Alterini, Edoardo Faccin, Chiara Forzoni, Jessica Milingi, Monica Coelho, Chiara Rocchi, Margherita Sami, Carlotta Speroni, Susanne Vezzoli, Alice Bonatti, Pietro Bontempi, Carlotta Bonsi, Anna Paola Braga
Co-teatchers: Giovanni Maria Conti, Manuela Rubertelli, Giuliano Marelli, Luigi De Nardo
Assistant: Laura Vicelli, Noemi Gentile, Martina Motta, Nicola Usai